
Coding Image


I have been coding for the past 2 year
I create websites with HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap
I also know Python

Coding Image


I have been playing the piano for the past 5 years
I can play the songs Fur Elise, Way Maker ect.
I also taught my brother to play the piano for a little bit.

Coding Image


I have a Youtube channel called Paul Parthiban.
I had this Youtube channel for the past year


Anthony Wayne Middle School

Anthony Wayne Middle School

I am currently studying in AWMS
I will study here until the year 2024
I will graduate in the year

John F. Kennedy Elementary School

John F. Kennedy Elementary School

I studied at JFK when I was in 3rd to 5th grade
In the years 2018-2021
Then I graduated

Berkley Street Elementary School

Berkley Street Elementary School

I studied in Berkley Street Elementary School when I was in 1st to 3rd grade
In the years 2016-2018
Then I moved